A little bit about me…

Hello! Thanks for dropping by and getting to know me a little better…

I’m Martha, a mother of three quirky, free spirited little humans and wife to my highschool sweetheart. My love of photography started when I was a child, spending hours flicking through old family albums and daydreaming of what life was like within those photos. My interest continued throughout highschool, where I took photography classes and learned how to develop my own film from the disposable cameras my teacher gave us. For my eighteenth birthday my husband bought me my first digital camera, a little point and shoot, and from there I found myself documenting our life together - all of our beautiful, mundane, and chaotic moments captured and treasured forever.

In 2011 I had my first baby. His birth was hard. I felt really unprepared, out of control, and fear took over the whole experience. I remember one of the midwives asking me where my camera was and that she would take a few photos for me. I told her not to, but she insisted, and to this day I’m so glad that she did. I was so focused on getting through the pain that I had little recollection of all the beautiful moments in between. The way my husband’s hands gently cradled my belly or how I buried my face into his chest and closed my eyes when there was a break between surges. She captured my strength as I pushed my baby into this world, and the sheer joy and relief as I pulled him up and into my arms. These are transformative, life changing moments that you can never re-do. Even though most of the photos she took were exposed incorrectly or out of focus, I still cherish them dearly.

These are the moments I want to capture for you. I would love nothing more than for you to be able to see the magic of your own story through the photographs I take. To feel the love and emotion of that moment again and again. Being invited into these incredibly intimate spaces to document such a sacred time in your life is an absolute honour. I’ll admit that I am a bit of an empath, and will laugh through your joy and cry alongside you and your challenges. I care deeply about you and your experience, and respect each and every space that I have the privilege to hold.

If you think we could be the right fit, I would love to hear from you! Let’s capture the magic of YOUR story!